Order Process

Order Process:

  • Select your category, select your product, select your size, decide your quantity and “Add to Basket”.
  • In case you want to select more designs from other categories, you can browse more categories and products and keep adding them to your “Add to Basket”.
  • By clicking on the “Add to Basket” button, we will take you to your ‘Shopping Basket’ page where you will have the final preview of all the products you have selected, product price, quantity, subtotals and grand total.
  • Once you have checked all products into your ‘Shopping Basket’, click Proceed to Checkout.
  • Upon Checkout, you will be asked to fill the “Contact & Shipping address form”.
  • Please fill the form with neat & accurate information, as this will save our delivery process time.
  • Finally, when everything is done. Click the ‘Checkout’ to complete your order.
  • An order confirmation email will be sent to client for order acknowledgment.
  • Once the order is dispatched to the courier service, a text message will be sent to our customer for their acknowledgment, that the order is on your way.
  • Upon receiving your order please pay your bill and keep your Invoice for at least 10 days (as per our exchange & return policy).

Note: We have made every effort to display as accurately as possible the colors of our products that appear on the website. However, as the actual colors you see will depend on your screen resolution, we cannot guarantee that your screen’s display of any color will accurately reflect the color of the product on delivery.

Happy Shopping!

In case of any product issue and exchange, please read our exchange and return policy.